Virtual Training With AACSB Asia-Pacific Region

On the 8th July 2020, members from Faculty of Business Administration and Department of Testing and Quality Assessment have organized a virtual meeting with AACSB’s representatives Asia-Pacific region at the Conference Room, Level 5, INSPIRE Library.


AACSB’s representatives:

  1. Dr. Geoff Perry, Executive Vice President and CEO – Asia Pacific region
  2. Ms. Amy Memon, Manager, Accreditation services
  3. Mr. Chee Peng Tan, Coordinator, Membership services

Department of Testing and Quality Assessment:

  1. Dr. Nguyen Huu Cuong , Deputy Head
  2. Dr. Luong Thi Hong Gam
  3. MBA. Nguyen Thi Trieu

Faculty of Business Administration:

  1. Assoc.Prof. Pham Thi Minh Ly , Dean
  2. MBA. Le Duc Nha , Assistant to the Dean
  3. Dr. Pham Thi Ngan , Head- Department of International Business
  4. Dr. Phung Minh Tuan, Head- Department of Marketing
  5.  MSc. Vo The Sinh , Leader – Department of Management

And faculty lecturers

The purpose of this online meeting is to exchange information, experience and queries between AACSB’s representatives and faculty members regarding the journey to receive accreditation from AACSB.  Besides, this opportunity allows the faculty to understand more about AACSB new collection of standards and be well-prepared for TDTU’s eligibility application.

After the meeting, the AACSB representatives sent the best wishes to TDTU’s to successfully accomplish the upcoming milestone.

Photos from the session:

aacsb 1

aacsb 2

Faculty of Business
Administration, Ton Duc Thang
19 Nguyen Huu Tho, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City
Hotline : + 84 28 37755067