International Business Students on a Field trip study to AJ Total Vietnam

With the aim of improving training quality, creating opportunities to provide students with background knowledge and complementary skills for future work in cold supply chain in general and cold storage in particular, on the 17th December 2022, Department of International BusinessĀ  in collaboration with AJ Total Vietnam organized a field trip study at AJ Total Vietnam's cold storage warehouse.

Since July 2021, AJ Total Viet Nam started operating the largest cold storage service with the capacity of 30,000 pallets storage capacity, Long Hau Ward, Can Giuoc District, Long An Province. The supply of cold storage can not currently meet demand thus cold storage demand is projected to grow strongly for at least the next five years. With that reason, this field trip is very useful for students to understand more on the operation perspective, especially from the strategic player like AJ Total Vietnam.

The program of the field visit includes 3 main contents:

  • Understand AJ Total Vietnam's business and services
  • Tour of cold warehouse
  • Q&A and reflective study activities

At first, students are introduced by AJ Total representative with an overview of the cold supply chain, the importance of the cold chain to international trade, business processes and operational management as well asĀ careerĀ opportunities in this field. To facilitate the introduction to cold storage, students had a chance to visit the site, specifically inside the storage warehouse for each type of product, get to know the conditions of the import and export process as well as the temperature control of each type of warehouse. At the end of the tour, students exchanged questions for AJ Total Vietnam supervisor for better comprehend the business practices.

Photos from the study trip: