Seminar:Data Analysis And Business Intelligence

At 9:00 AM on September 14th, 2024, in Room A403, the Faculty of Business Administration, in collaboration with the Institute of Business and Economic Policy (IBEP), held a seminar titled: "Data Analysis and Business Intelligence," with the participation of:

  • Speaker: Mr. Vo Hoang Viet – Strategy & Insights Analyst at McDonald’s Vietnam.
  • Representing TDTU, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong, MA – Head of the Marketing Department, along with the faculty members from the Department of Marketing  and students from various business, information technology, and finance disciplines from Ton Duc Thang University were present at the event.

During the seminar, Mr. Vo Hoang Viet provided practical knowledge about data analysis in businesses, from understanding the needs and problems of the enterprise to using data to make strategic decisions. He shared many useful and engaging insights with the students, including:

Role of a Data Analyst: The job of a data analyst in a business involves inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to extract meaningful insights that support decision-making.

Practical Examples: Mr. Viet shared multiple examples from real-world projects at major companies like Unilever, Google, and Sabeco, demonstrating how data analysis helps improve marketing strategies and operational efficiency.

Career Path: Students interested in the field of data analysis received valuable advice on the skills needed and the career development path in this field, from entry-level positions to more experienced roles (Senior and Management levels).

A highlight of the seminar was the illustrative examples of how data analysis can help businesses forecast trends, improve customer experiences, and optimize operational processes. This provided students with a practical and vivid perspective on the industry. Mr. Viet also introduced Lifebuoy’s real-time epidemic alert system, a standout case study that helped students understand how the combination of data and business intelligence can solve real-world problems.

In addition, the speaker answered many questions from students attending the event, such as the skills needed to become a data analyst, career development pathways, and how data analysis can be applied across different industries.

At the end of the seminar, students gained a deeper understanding of the importance of data analysis in modern businesses and opened up many future career opportunities. We believe that with the skills and knowledge gained from the seminar, students will be more motivated to pursue the field of data analysis and business intelligence.

Some event highlights:


Mr. Vo Hoang Viet sharing insights on data analysis in businesses

kdMs. Nguyen Thị Hong presenting a commemorative gift to the speaker, Mr. Vo Hoang Viet.


The guest speaker, faculty members, and students posing for a commemorative photo at the end of the event.

Faculty of Business
Administration, Ton Duc Thang
19 Nguyen Huu Tho, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City
Hotline : + 84 28 37755067